Friday, April 18, 2014

The Beginning

Every great story, no matter what genre has a great beginning. This
beginning establishes the characters, you become invested in those
characters; who they are and where they came from and you are ready
and willing to learn more about them, what they want and where they
are going. You laugh with them, you cry with them, you begin to
empathize with them in their circumstances, all because you know where
they have come from and how hard they have worked to get where they
desire to be.

When one reads a book, you don't jump to the end to find out how all
those characters end up because it changes the meaning of the story. No
longer are you on the edge of your seat and anticipating the next plot line or pitfall this is not the point of the story. The point of the story is to understand the apprehension and struggle that brought the characters to the endpoint, the final moment of bliss that is an overview of their trials. Our stories are the same, the
excitement doesn't come from knowing where we will end up, but how we
get there, we are eternal beings with a summation of great qualities that intermingle with those of others to help with Gods purposes.

To understand the point of this blog one must understand who they are. Not on a temporal plane, no that would be far too easy that is merely the accumulation of their deeds and possessions over time. But I speak of a spiritual plane, I know that we are all children of God the Eternal Father, and we are here on this Earth for a great purpose. Take away the trivialities of the day to day living and look deep within yourself and find that little thing within you that states who you are....your little "I am." You are so much more than flesh and blood, you are eternal and I wish to share how the characters all around us came to know of their eternal purposes!

C. S. Lewis wisely said: “It is a serious thing to live in a society of possible gods and goddesses, to remember that the dullest and most uninteresting person you can talk to may one day be a creature which, if you saw it now, you would be... strongly tempted to worship. … There are no ordinary people. … Your neighbor is the holiest object presented to your senses”
I am here to write about the potential of the characters in this great story of life, the characters that inhabit
this earth, because we are all continually writing our own story. Each
and every one of us has a plot line filled with the protagonist and
antagonists of our lives which drive our stories along. Sometimes we feel our story is trivial, and
we "don't amount to much." I must say that those thoughts are wrong
completely wrong. I submit that we are all intertwined in a much
bigger plot line than we could ever imagine. The story of each
individual person somehow has affected you, directly or indirectly, a mother caring for her child in Russia has somehow touched your life through the ripple effect of cause and effect without you even knowing it,
and all of us need one another, to fulfill a much greater plan.
In Ecclesiastes 3:11 it says "He hath made every thing
beautiful in its time; also he hath set the world in their heart, so
that no man can find out the work that God maketh from the beginning
to the end."
I write the stories of others, not to make those who read apprehensive about what is to come, or what they have not accomplished, but to realize that they can accomplish so much more with God then they could on their own, as you read about these people understand that somehow their storyline has affected yours, and you are better because of it.
Please feel free to comment below as you read further and continue to read of not only myself, but the people around you, and my end goal would to be that you realize not only your own eternal potential but the eternal potential of those around you because of Gods great plan for all of us.
God gives us trials not to break us, but to make us!


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